2017 Call for Board Members

Applications accepted through May 31.

AIGA Kansas City, the local chap­ter of the nation’s old­est and largest pro­fes­sional asso­ci­a­tion for design, is cur­rently seek­ing volunteers for its open board posi­tions.

Join in shap­ing this 100% volunteer-run orga­ni­za­tion that brings local pro­gram­ming to Kansas City cre­atives. We’re looking for community members with a passion for design, vision for our community, and drive to make things happen.

The incom­ing vol­un­teer board will play a piv­otal role in shap­ing AIGA KC to be a leader within the Kansas City design com­mu­nity and beyond. Serving on the board can enrich your per­sonal and pro­fes­sional life, pro­vid­ing board mem­bers an oppor­tu­nity to meet accom­plished indus­try pro­fes­sion­als and net­work with up-and-coming talent.

AIGA mem­bership is not required at the time of applica­tion, but those elected are required to join and main­tain their mem­ber­ships for the dura­tion of their terms. (For more infor­ma­tion about mem­ber­ship lev­els, visit aiga​.org/​b​e​l​ong.) Each term begins in July and con­cludes in June at the end of the term.

This year, there are oppor­tu­ni­ties at all levels to help serve our growing membership. You’ll be play­ing with a strong team of return­ing board mem­bers to gain lead­er­ship skills and con­nect with your peers on a whole new level. Or start small and volunteer at a single event.

Are you ready? Nominate yourself or recommend a colleague (with their permission) by filling out a nomination form now. (Applications accepted through May 31.)


Open Positions –  Vice Presidents
Vice President Chapter Development

Open Positions – Directors
Director Programming Internal


Open Positions – Associates
Communications - Digital
Competitions & Awards Associate
Design Week
Education Program and Events
Programming External
Programming Internal

Open Positions – Vice Presidents

Chapter Development
You love AIGA KC and want to see the orga­ni­za­tion grow. You’ll work to keep the chapter fiscally sound through big-picture planning for membership and sponsorship. You’ll help chapter leaders understand the financial reports and work with the bookkeeper and accountant to present and file necessary financial documents. You’ll nurture the sponsorship and membership team and coordinate efforts that support the chapter goals. This is a two-year, elected, voting position on the board of directors.

Open Positions – Directors

You make mole­hills out of moun­tains. This impor­tant posi­tion is focused on help­ing the chap­ter deal with day-to-day tasks, such as orga­niz­ing board meet­ings and assist­ing the President with com­mu­ni­ca­tion and spon­sor­ship duties and coordinating with the VPs. You main­tain the internal communications portals, are responsible for chapter minutes and important document filings, and are comfortable with technology such as google drive and project management software like Basecamp. You’ll develop on-boarding materials for new board members and help orient them to the board. This is a two-year, elected, voting position on the board of directors.

Director Programming Internal
You’ll plan vital, core AIGA programming throughout the year, to reach our diverse member interests and audiences. Weve identified several strategic areas for programming, and in the application process you can check off your interest areas, and we’ll do our best to match you with those interests. We’re planning to increase our daytime programming (breakfast, lunch, workshops) to reach different groups of members, so one position is dedicated to daytime programs. These are two-year, elected, voting position on the board of directors.

Open Positions – Associates

Communications - Digital
HTML and CSS don’t phase you. You know what it takes to get con­tent online and make the AIGA web­site work for you. You’re in charge of cre­at­ing event reg­is­tra­tion, adding events and arti­cles to the web­site, and send­ing out HTML emails. The lifeblood of our com­mu­ni­ca­tions team lies with you — and your peers. (Don’t worry, you won’t be alone in this.) This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

Competitions & Awards
You’ll assist the entries director with online entries, judging, notifying winners, catalog production, awards certificates and the exhibition. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

Design Week
You’ll assist the AIGA co-director of Design Week to bring exciting design programs to life. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

Designers love to talk, but often need help find­ing just the right words. This is where you come in. You refine ideas into some­thing that makes a con­nec­tion — and is gram­mat­i­cally cor­rect. You review sub­mit­ted con­tent, pro­vide feed­back , and craft com­mu­ni­ca­tions to con­nect with mem­bers through email pro­mo­tions and social media (in tan­dem with our SM chairs). You are inte­gral in pro­duc­ing con­tent for our web­site and the com­mu­ni­ca­tion that moves through our multi-channel mes­sag­ing. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

Education Program and Events
You have an interest in eduction and will assist the Education Director to plan program and events for students. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

Your motto is “the more the mer­rier.” You love meet­ing new peo­ple and preach­ing the design gospel. You would help to run mem­ber­ship drives with the Membership Director, and assist in hosting a two to four social member events a year, and com­mu­ni­cate the ben­e­fits of being a mem­ber at our events while work­ing with your local team. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

Programming External
You assist the AIGA KC Director of External Programming and other amazing external organizations to plan amazing events like our Made in the Middle Conference. This position requires someone who thinks on their feet, works well with others and loves the chance to forge new partnerships. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

Programming Internal
You love working alongside experienced members of the board working to plan events and programs that provide value to our members. You would relish the opportunity to plan, coordinate and execute programs aligning with AIGA Kansas City’s greater vision. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

You enjoy puz­zles and process to help iden­tify and engage poten­tial spon­sors for chap­ter events and ini­tia­tives. Network to find great fits to sup­port an event or activ­ity and coor­di­nate with the event chairs. Revel in the process of relay­ing the ben­e­fits of sup­port­ing design and our organization. This is a one-year, appointed, non-voting position on a board committee.

You are an AIGA member and want to start small and volunteer at single event to get a taste of the organization, support design in KC and meet fellow creatives.

When & Where
Tue, Nov 30, -0001