06 May A19 Design Awards & Celebration
The Annual A Awards Celebrates the Community of Kansas City Design
When the call for entries opens, click Enter Now. You will then be directed to the AIGA login page to begin. Don’t have an AIGA account? Create one now—setting up an account is free through my.aiga.org.
Bonus: AIGA members enjoy discounts on entry fees! Join first to take advantage of this benefit! Learn more.
Please review the rules and guidelines for entry submission below. Good luck!
How to Enter
Full entry guidelines and online registration are available on this site. Upon registration and online payment, each project is assigned a project code. The project code allows entries to be tracked throughout the judging process and maintains the anonymity of the submitter. All entries will be judged on-screen via uploaded files or URL.
Please submit entries created during or after January 2023. It is recommended that each entry be submitted into a single category that fits most accurately with the entry in terms of its purpose. However, you may choose to enter the same piece in more than one category. Please be aware that you’ll be required to pay a separate fee for submitting to each category, even if the entry is the same. Ultimately, the entry is eligible to win an award in only one category. Judges retain the right to reclassify entries from one category to another.
Entries are 100% digital uploads this year. No need to drop off submissions for judging. Please double-check your spelling and submission information as this will be used in our final catalog.
Guidelines for Submissions
- We suggest work be formatted in 16:9 ratio (ex:1920×1080) for best viewing on the judging platform. While not required, this can help our judges easily see your work. Each submission may include 5 boards, and multiple images may be placed on each board.
- We added a “project summary” text field to each submission which allows you to provide a SHORT description of the project. This is to provide our judges any pertinent context. This project summary will not be published in our catalog or on social media.
- Digital entries should be submitted by entering a URL through our online registration system. Digital work submitted without a functioning URL for review will not be judged. Any submitted URL must be public and non-password protected.
- For mobile apps and games, please submit with an emulator on either a web page or through a submitted video of the app or game being used.
All entries must have been published/produced after January 2023. The same project cannot be entered into the awards two years in a row unless it has undergone significant content and design changes.
- Early Bird Entry Deadline: Friday, May 24, 2024 11:59 p.m. CT
- Late Entries Entry Deadline: Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11:59 pm CT (late fees apply)
- Final Call Entry Deadline: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 11:59 pm CT (additional late fees apply)
Entries are 100% digital uploads this year. No need to drop off submissions for judging.
Payment: Online via Credit Card Only
Entries may only be paid by credit card through the online registration system. No checks will be accepted. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Due to the nature of the competition and judging process, we cannot offer a refund once you have completed your submission. You may log into your account to view your submissions and if you need help making an edit or have further questions on the process please contact gala@kansascity.aiga.org.
AIGA Member Discount
Membership in AIGA greatly reduces the fees for entering work in the competition. Become a member today to get more connected, take advantage of benefits, and support the design community. Join today!
Reproduction Permission
Entrants submitting work to the AIGA KC Design Competition & Exhibition acknowledge the right of AIGA Kansas City to use accepted work for reproduction on our website, on printed materials relating to the awards and for AIGA Kansas City non-profit, educational and promotional purposes. Entrants acknowledge AIGA Kansas City’s right to display their work in exhibitions, and the right to use it for any non-commercial purpose and with appropriate attribution as to its creator and/or source. Entrants also acknowledge that selected work may be chosen to become part of a design library archives at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art.
Winning Entries
Winning entries will be recognized at the A19 Design Awards Celebration & Exhibition in September 2024 and receive exposure through the annual exhibition catalog.
Notification emails will be sent in the Summer of 2024 to the email listed on the entry form. Entrants are responsible for maintaining access to the email provided at the time of entry.
For further information or questions please visit our FAQ page or contact us at gala@kansascity.aiga.org
About AIGA
AIGA, the professional association for design, believes designers serve a critical role as communicators, educators, and innovators and AIGA sets the national agenda for the role of design in economic, social, political, cultural, and creative contexts. AIGA is committed to furthering excellence in design as a broadly-defined discipline, strategic tool for business and a vital cultural force. https://kc.aiga.org