Join a nationwide network of aspiring designers

If you are a student currently in a design program, select the “student” attribute when you join. This attribute will give you access to invaluable resources and opportunities to help you make the transition from student to professional designer:

Get involved

AIGA student groups are on more than 200 college campuses across the country, offering students the opportunity to be involved in the local design community, create a community of their own and build leadership skills. You can link yourself to your school’s AIGA student group when you join.

Join now to take advantage of all that AIGA membership has to offer.

Graduating soon?

When you graduate, be sure to select a new attribute, such as “Emerging designer”, so that we can meet your needs most effectively.

Want to learn more about Student Groups? Click here!

Need more information about our Senior Scholarship? Click here!

“Design is thinking made visual.”
–Saul Bass

New Members

Grace Linn
July 2, 2024
Ben Walters
June 11, 2024
Ashley Read
June 3, 2024
Kaitlin Mitchell
Group Membership
May 22, 2024
Kaylan Moore
Group Membership
May 22, 2024
Sarah Jones
Group Membership
May 22, 2024