Designer Limbo Q&A Series

As we all do our best to move forward in these unprecedented times, it’s important to be aware of all the amazing resources available to Kansas Citians. We’re checking in with groups and individuals around the city who are offering personal and professional advice and tools to help designers and creatives handle challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Check out our Designer Limbo Q&A to learn what options are available.



Emily Schiltz
Community-Based Network Navigator, KCSourceLink


What relevant resources are you currently providing to people regarding COVID-19?
KCSourceLink has set up a specific page for Coronavirus Business Resources & Updates. Business owners/solo-preneurs can get questions answered and resources provided on the following topics:
Finding funding and financing

  • Rocket Relief Fund for KC Artists
  • Save Small Business Fund
  • ShopLocal KC
  • Online workshops and webinars
  • Unemployment, employee leave policies, etc.
  • Doing business online
  • Leadership during this time
  • Legal issues
  • Health and safety

What advice do you have for people right now?
Be aware of all the resources available to you during this time! Many different groups, organizations and government agencies are working to provide resources to support businesses during this time. Reference these on the KCSourceLink Coronavirus Business Resources website.

What resources are you offering right now?
KCSourceLink is launching virtual one-on-ones with Community-Based Network Navigators. We will use this time to help answer questions, address needs, and provide resources to business owners and entrepreneurs.

Contact Emily directly at or call the KCSourceLink hotline at 816-235-6500.



Joel Barrett
Business Development Consultant, Missouri’s Small Business Development Center at UMKC


What relevant resources are you currently providing to people regarding COVID-19?
At the Missouri SBDC we work with entrepreneurs, small business owners and contractors. I am doing a weekly 30 minute webinar called #BetterTogetherTuesdays Making business simple even in complex times.

We have free one-on-one coaching available to help navigate the SBA loans, grants, assistance, related to COVID-19. This coaching is available year-round for those starting and growing their business.

We are finding that people are swimming in a sea of information and misinformation about all of this. People need to know if they qualify for assistance and how to go about applying for it. We can help you with that. Don’t forget that if you are a 1099 contractor you are self-employed and these SBA resources are available to you too.

What advice do you have for people right now?
Don’t panic. You’re not alone. Take action. Here are some helpful tips for you and your business.

What have been the most helpful resources/information sources for you?
Kansas City has a plethora of outstanding organizations and resources to help business owners, entrepreneurs, and contractors.

Go directly to official websites when possible. Don’t rely on news stories and social media to tell you what is and isn’t happening.

Contact Joel for any questions or to set up a virtual meeting through the SBDC at



Amanda Hindson
Supervised Marital and Family Therapist


What relevant resources are you currently providing to people regarding COVID-19?
With both my clients and my friends and family, people seem to be asking for connection, as well as for ways to orient themselves in the midst of this season. Everything happened so fast – everything changed so fast – and people are still trying to understand their constantly shifting feelings and altered circumstances. This is complicated, ironically, by the fact that most of us are staying in familiar circumstances where everything feels “normal,” and yet it isn’t. I try to offer my clients a space to connect authentically and freely, even if it is currently virtual. People need a place where they are able to explore the complexity of what they are feeling, unload some anxiety, as well as have a space to feel nurtured.  We all need a lot of care right now. In terms of resources, there are various articles and podcasts that I sometimes reference and recommend; I’m happy to provide references to some of those.  Some of my clients are also experiencing some intense anxiety.  They are looking for relief.  I try to help them by equipping them with skills to manage the anxiety and have created several groups in order to foster connection amongst others and to process what we are experiencing, as well as a group that is focused on caring for the anxious body.

What advice do you have for people right now?
Right now, we need a safe connection with others, and we need to care for our bodies. That might sound strange, but it is easy at this time for our anxious thoughts to consume us. Our brains naturally want to make sense of this situation and to know what will happen, and yet we are unable to truly do that now. We carry this stress in our bodies. This is something that we can do right now. We can care for our bodies. We can eat good food, we can take long walks, we can exercise, we can take warm baths, we can sleep when we need to, we can cry when we feel the urge, we can rest if we need to, we can snuggle pets and blankets and loved ones. We may not know when things will go back to “normal,” or what that “normal” will be, but we can care for our bodies that hold this stress in ways that our minds cannot. I also encourage people to just feel what they feel. Cry, laugh, be angry, grieve – all of it is okay. All of it is normal.

What have been the most helpful resources/information sources for you?
Honestly, I really try to stay informed as much as I need to, while also trying to set good boundaries around my information sources. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by the numbers, the crushing headlines, the conflicting information. In terms of news, I typically stick to NPR or the New York Times, but I realize that is a very personal choice. I have, however, enjoyed reading articles from trusted sources that encourage and normalize how most people feel at this time.  I appreciate commentary from people in my field that normalize the complexity of this experience, and that give permission for us to care for ourselves and our nervous systems, however that may look for each individual. Finally, I find my most helpful resources inside of myself.  I tune into my heart and my gut and I try to pay attention to what I need. I seek to meet those needs as much as I can.

What resources are you offering right now?
I currently have several groups that pertain specifically to the crisis that we are in, and I would be happy to offer a reduced rate to AIGA members. One group, “Taking Care of the Anxious Body,” begins this Wednesday. Please contact me directly, if interested. I am also willing to offer several sessions at a reduced rate for those who may need immediate care related to this crisis.

Recommended Articles
How to get therapy when you can’t leave the house
That discomfort you’re feeling is grief
Productivity motivation, myths, dangers
Befriending your nervous system during quarantine

Contact Amanda at to schedule a virtual therapy session.

Reserve your spot in a virtual Zoom discussion led by Amanda, happening next Monday May 11th from 7-8:30pm – spots are limited. 

Published May 4, 2020