Don’t let your bedtime stories be a drag—or do! Bring your little ones and join AIGA KC as drag performer, Molly Alice Minx, brings Out on a Limb to life on screen from the comfort of your own home. Stick around as we ask KC’s own Jordan Morris and Charlie Mylie about the process of collaborating on Out on a Limb. Here is what you can expect:
Storytime: Novice Sister Molly Alice Minx brings Out on a Limb to life through your screen for quality time with your kids.
Dress Lulu & Win!:
1) Print off the coloring worksheets we send you.
2) Dress Lulu with your kids
3) Snap a pic of your creations & tag on your Insta stories @aigakc to be entered to win your own copy of Out on a Limb.
Q&A: With or without your kids, join us as we ask KC’s own author/designer, Jordan Morris, and illustrator, Charlie Mylie about the process of collaborating on Out on a Limb.
Speaker Bios
Jordan Morris
Jordan Morris is a writer and designer living in Kansas City, Missouri. For the past six years she has worked on design, visitor experience, and narrative projects at The Rabbit hOle, a non-profit and forthcoming immersive children’s literature museum. Out on a Limb is her first book.
Charlie Mylie
Charlie Mylie is an author and illustrator living the dream in Kansas City, Missouri. It’s only occurring to him now that his Interdisciplinary Art degree from Kansas City Art Institute might have actually helped in children’s book making. His wife and toddler however have had a significant, obvious impact on his work and life, while the cat has contributed nothing. Charlie wants to keep exploring, for as long as he is allowed, how words and pictures- together- help us making sense of this confounding world.
Molly Alice Minx
Hello all! I am Novice Sister Molly Alice Minx of the City of Fountains Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. I am a healthcare worker by trade, and spend my free time living my fabulous faerie life! That includes but is not limited to capturing shiny objects, daydreaming, and sprinkling faerie dust on unsuspecting humans. As a sister I strive to be present, be open, and most importantly never forget to have fun!
City of Fountain Sisters
The City of Fountains Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence are an order of 21st century queer nuns. Our mission is to promulgate universal joy and expiate stigmatic guilt. As members of a 501–c3 organization we help support the work of local charities including- KC Anti-violence Project, KC Center for Inclusion, Hope Cares Center, KC Cares Center, amongst many others. As sisters we uplift and support our community through fundraising, activism, and education- all while looking fabulous!