Mentorship: Transforming your side hustle into an award-winning agency

Kristen Brown, owner of Columbia, MO’s Hoot Design Company, knows all about altering her position for greater success. Learn how she went from agency designer to agency owner, with a little bit of side-hustling, freelancing and teaching in between.

Kristen Brown

Founder and chief creative officer of Hoot Design Company, a 15 person creative branding agency located in Columbia.

Hoot specializes in conscious branding for purpose driven companies. They believe branding starts from the inside and their four phase process for brand development is changing the game for their service based clients.

Kristen is married with 3 kids and recently moved Hoot into a newly renovated building she purchased in 2020.

When & Where
Wed, Mar 16, 2022 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM CDT
AIA Kansas City
1801 McGee Street
Kansas City, MO 64108