Annual Portfolio Review

Are you a student or emerging professional in the Kansas City creative community? Are you a creative professional with a passion for growing up-and-coming talent? Join AIGA KC on March 30 for our annual portfolio review! We are pairing up professional designers working across the industry with emerging designers and design students. The aim is for up-and-coming talent to share their work and be offered thorough feedback on the presentation of their projects and process as they prepare their portfolios.

The review will take place at Johnson County Community College from 9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m. Each student or emerging professional will have at least two reviewers provide portfolio feedback and will hear from representatives from Creative Circle and AIGA KC’s mentorship program.

Can’t make it on March 30? We have you covered. We will be organizing virtual portfolio reviews from March 25 – March 30. Please fill out the forms below to let us know your availability, and we will be in touch with your pairings!


Published March 31, 2020